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Showcase 2022 : ROOTS



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As DefMo has reached its 20th anniversary, we reflect on where we came from and where we're going. DefMo has expanded and grown, but we always remember our roots and our founding, which are fundamental to the life of DefMo. We've blossomed so much but are still so connected to our roots.


In thinking about where we stem from, our hearts go out to those whose homes are affected by the crisis in the Ukraine. We wanted to provide support in whatever way we can, so our organization of choice to help families in need was USA for UNHCR.

Showcase 2021 : REDEFINED

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This year has forced us to redefine how we interact, how we dance, how we think. The theme of redefinition is not only a glimpse at the changes this time has brought, but a celebration of the ways in which we’ve grown and made the most of it! Come enjoy some dancing performed and choreographed by our amazing DefMembers!!!

We will be collecting optional donations to the BYP100 Durham chapter, an organization of Black activists and organizers, dedicated to creating justice and freedom for all Black people through leadership development, direct action organizing, advocacy, and political education. Find out more about their work below!

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